Andreas Maschke hat am 1. Mai die Version 1.61 von JWildfire veröffentlicht.

Neben der Beseitigung einiger Bug Fixes kamen auch ein paar neue Variationen hinzu.


JWildfire 1.61
JWildfire 1.61


JWildfire 1.61-Screenshot
JWildfire 1.61-Screenshot

Der Download findet sich wie immer auf der Entwicklerseite von Andreas Maschke.

Complete list of changes:

  • FIXED: a UI-bug regarding the use of dark themes (font color was too dark)
  • FIXED: a bug regarding the calculation of the color-index in the editor (UI was not refreshed properly)
  • new “falloff3″, “post_falloff3″, “pre_falloff3″-variations by Xyrus02
  • new “pre_curl”-variation by Xyrus02
  • improved the “Simple tiling”-random-flame-generator
  • the “colormap_wf”_variations allow now the use of images-sequences (i. e. animations) as input
  • anti-aliasing in the motion-Curve-Editor
  • changed the default behaviour of the batch-renderer in a way that it does not renders flames where an corresponding image-file is already in place. Maybe adding some option to control this in the future…
  • some additions to the motion-curve-editing


Download JWildfire 1.61 auf der Internetaseite von Andreas Maschke.

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